Sunday, August 29, 2010

Greek Origins

           Theater, to learn more about where it came from we have to go all the way back to ancient times. The Ancient Greeks; they really got the ball rolling to create theatre as an art-form. A festival the was called Dionysia, which of course was a festival to honor the god Dionysus, was where they held these plays, which don't seem like the plays we see today. Here is were Tragedy, Comedy, and the Satyr plays were to be created.  Thespis, which many of you might not know, was the first recorded playwright. He was the first winner of the theatrical contest, which was held during the festival of Dionysia. Thespis is often called the, "father of tragedy".
            During the early Greek festivals, actors, directors, etc were mostly all the same person. After a while, a whopping number or only 3 actors could preform on stage, and only males could, which means when there was a women role, a men had to play that.  Because there was a limit to the number of actors on stage, they developed a chorus, which was a great part of Greek theatre. Music was played a lot when the chorus said there lines.
            Now of course, this is only a small amount of information that is said about Greek Theatre, there is so much more to learn. There are always a infinite amount of resources you could use to learn more.  <-- Click here, this tell a lot more about the ancient Greek theatre. There are more links you can click to learn more about this topic.

Masks like these were often used in Greek Theatre, here is a great site to learn more just about ancient Greek theatre.

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